What Will Happen?
- You will be admitted to the day surgery by a nurse.
The anaesthestist will speak with you and insert a cannula (plastic
needle) into your hand or arm if you are having sedation.
- In the procedure room, you will be positioned onto the X-ray table.
The tender spots will be felt at the back of your skull. The area
will then be cleaned with a chlorhexidine solution or alcohol wipe.
- Corticosteroid and local anaesthetic will then be injected into the target site.
- Some pressure will be applied to the area for a couple of minutes at the end of the injection.
- If both sides of the back of your skull are to be injected this may need to be performed approximately 30 minutes apart or on two separate occasions.
Post Procedure
- You will not be able to drive for 4 hours after your procedure.
- You will be allowed home 1 hour after sedation with your carer/driver.
- If you have local anaesthetic only, you may be required to stay 20 minutes.
- If a strong local anaesthetic has been used, it will wear off in 12 - 18 hours.
- The steroid will take approximately 48 hours to start working. During this time there may be a window of increased discomfort or pain.
- We suggest you take it easy for 24 hours prior to returning to your pre-injection activities.
- A follow up appointment or repeat injection may be arranged prior to leaving the clinic.
- The effect of the nerve block may be felt for 1 – 6 months, depending on the amount of irritation or inflammation present.
If you require further explanation of the procedure, please contact Hunter Pain Specialists nursing staff on (02) 4985 1800.