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Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood condition that can cause a group of symptoms marked by widespread chronic body pain and usually accompanied by fatigue, cognitive disturbance and emotional distress.

Fibromyalgia does not cause inflammation or damage to the painful areas, but seems to be due to an overactive pain system.

Fibromyalgia min


For many people, fibromyalgia starts without an obvious cause. Some research suggests that the body may become extra sensitive in the way it signals and processes pain in people with fibromyalgia. Although anyone can be affected, it usually is seen in middle adulthood and is more common in women.


Fibromyalgia is often difficult to diagnose since there is no single test or examination for it. Diagnosis is usually based on the exclusion of other causes for the pain and symptoms. A pain specialist will look for a number of signs that are typical of fibromyalgia that does not fit any other condition.


While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, most people find with the right approach they are able to get some symptom relief and manage their condition. Treatment approaches include a combination of the following:

It is important to note that fibromyalgia affects people in different ways and one person’s response to treatment will be different from another person’s. Your pain specialist will work out a plan on how best to treat you and your symptoms.

**This information sheet has been written for patients affected by fibromyalgia and provides general information only**

References: Pain Australia; Arthritis Australia.

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