Quality Statement

Hunter Pain Specialists is a smoke-free environment serving consumers from the Hunter, the upper Hunter and the Central Coast. We provide care, treatment and education to people living with chronic pain and will assess you as an individual and respond to your specific needs.

Communicating with Clarity

You can ask questions about your care and actively participate in decision making to help us meet your needs and develop safe, quality healthcare for you and your family.

We will use language you can understand.

If you feel we have breached our commitment to you, you have the right to complain or make a suggestion to the Director of Business on 4985 1800, or you may contact the HCC at www.hccc.nsw.gov.au or by phoning 9219 7444 or toll free for NSW on 1800 043159.

Choose Positivity

A positive mindset can steer your treatment and care in the right direction.

We hope this is transferred to you by the actions of our staff.

We are strongly committed to ensuring your care and treatments are nationally and internationally recognised by experienced healthcare professionals.

Be Mindful & Respectful

You are our partner in planning, implementing and evaluating services and we will treat you with dignity and respect.

Show Integrity

We will show respect with appropriate conversations and empathy, and keep you informed of what needs to be done.

We will adhere to HPC policies and procedures.

Take Ownership

We involve staff and consumers to set goals and provide feedback through insights and responsibilities.

In turn, we aim to establish this methodology in treatment options.

Strive for Excellence

We will strive to meet your needs and expectations by listening, setting goals, having core values and providing education to staff and to you.

Our Approach

Hunter Pain Specialists has been operating since 1999 and is Australia’s leading and most experienced Private Pain Management Clinic.


Education, Training and Research

Hunter Pain Specialists is committed to the Continued Professional Development of nurses. We provide education for nurses online and in-person.


Get in Touch

If you would like to make an appointment or have any questions, we’d like to hear from you.

Contact Us

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